
Together, the purpose of these programs is to create sustainable impacts that will strengthen and increase the efficiency of the health sector supply chain and improve the quality of and access to health care services in 13 regions. D4I’s assessments will seek to furnish a basis for understanding the work of ACCESS and IMPACT thus far. Additionally, the activities will provide data and accounts to shape and guide the remaining years of these programs.

IMPACT Midterm Evaluation

This activity is a performance evaluation of IMPACT during the program’s fourth year of implementation. The evaluation will examine IMPACT’s progress and performance to date, identify successes and challenges, and propose solutions and areas of focus for the duration of the project. This evaluation will provide insights on the effect of the IMPACT program on improving the availability and accessibility of quality health products, identify promising approaches that should continue and those that need augmenting, as well as the extent of national ownership of the overall program. Using a mixed-method study design, this evaluation seeks to elevate and amplify the voices of stakeholders and participants such that their feedback helps to galvanize the program’s path forward. The evaluation will be implemented by a global and Madagascar-based evaluation team.

The review will seek to capture the challenges and successes thus far, particularly in public sector and for-profit supply chains and social marketing efforts — most of which were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key to the goals of this activity is determining the capability of the program to reach its objectives and recommending any course corrections that might keep IMPACT on target. Download the IMPACT midterm evaluation report.

ACCESS Midterm Evaluation

This mid-term evaluation will assess how well the ACCESS program is working and what modifications may be needed to facilitate the achievement of its goals in subsequent years of implementation. The evaluation is aligned with the ACCESS logical and results frameworks highlighting themes related to the quality of health services and the continuum of care, capacity building, social and behavioral change activities, and supportive supervision and monitoring. Through the implementation of a mixed-methods approach, the evaluation will provide recommendations on how the program could be modified to reach targeted outcomes more effectively in years four and five and suggestions for course correction. This evaluation is co-implemented by a global team with field data collection and analysis from CONSULTUS, a Madagascar-based health research firm.

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