Evidence of entities provided with donor assistance that demonstrate capacity to independently implement FP activities Evidence of entities provided with donor assistance that demonstrate capacity to independently implement FP activities Definition: Evidence of entities provided with donor assistance that demonstrate capacity to independently implement family planning activities. Evidence of instances of champions/networks/organizations/institutions provided with donor-funded training or other technical assistance that demonstrate capacity to independently implement activities in one or more of the following repositioning family planning (FP) areas: advocacy, policy dialogue, planning, priority setting, resource allocation, program improvement, and/or data analysis and use. These can be individuals or institutions in the public sector, private sector, or civil society. Data Requirement(s): In the case of trainings or mentoring with individual champions, this indicator requires periodic follow-up with individuals or groups trained to document their follow-on activities. This could be accomplished through questionnaires or in-person interviews. In the case of organizations and institutions, program documents or external FP documents must be reviewed for examples of increased capacity or ownership of FP activities. All champions/networks/organizations/ institutions must be identified in advance. Evaluators may wish to disaggregate data by the type of donor assistance provided and/or the area of capacity. Data Source(s): Key informant interviews, questionnaires, policies, budgets, copy of action plans, campaign plans, newspaper articles, published statements, speeches, and other relevant program or government documents. Purpose: This indicator measures frequency of capacity building successes in FP as a result of donor assistance. In repositioning FP efforts, forms of capacity may include leadership, management, monitoring and evaluation, advocacy, policy development, program content, etc. The indicator addresses concerns that without strong local capacity and leadership, the repositioning initiative would not continue to promote FP once donor support has shifted to competing priorities. Issue(s): Evaluators may face difficulty measuring capacity if a clear program definition and criteria for capacity are not established prior to capacity building work. Efforts should be made to establish a baseline measure of capacity before training or technical assistance begins. Clear examples of expected increases in capacity should be outlined prior to work, so that it is evident when trainees, champions, organizations or institutions demonstrate increased capacity. Keywords: management, family planning Related content Family Planning (Core) Policy Environment Filed under: Family Planning, FP, FP/RH, Indicators, management, Reproductive Health, RH