Strengthening Capacity for Child Protection Policies and Case Management

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has merged its Center on Children in Adversity (CECA) with the Displaced Children and Orphans Fund (DCOF) to align program, policy, coordination, staff, and budget resources to better assist children made vulnerable by conflict, violence, and neglect.

Data for Impact (D4I) works with CECA to foster positive impacts for these children, working in the areas of policy reform, improvements in case management for children, and monitoring and evaluation of programs to benefit them so that all children grow up within protective family care, free from deprivation, exploitation, and danger. D4I currently directs CECA activities in the following countries: Armenia, Columbia, Moldova, Rwanda, and Uganda.

The links below provide information on evaluations, assessments, guidance, and activities managed and implemented by D4I on behalf of USAID’s priorities.


Digital Skills Assessment Guide (watch a related webinar)

Child Protection Case Management Information Systems: Promoting Appropriate Care for Children: A Framework for Engagement

Enhancing Government Capacity to Assess, Address, and Monitor Child Protection and Care


Strengthening Armenia’s child care and child protection system: Collaboration makes a difference

Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) Expert Assessment Report

Armenia’s Counter-Trafficking Situation and Response: Landscape Assessment Report

Strengthening Collection, Management and Use of Quality Routine Data for the Provision of Child Protection and Care in Armenia

Learner’s Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation of Care Reform in Armenia (also available in Armenian)

Assessing Alternative Care for Children in Armenia


Enhancing Data-Informed Decision Making for Child Protection (also available in Spanish)


Republica Moldova: Copiii beneficiari ai serviciilor sociale în 2021: Buletin statistic (bulletins available for Rîșcani, Sîngerei, and Fălești)

Examinarea și utilizarea datelor pentru luarea deciziilor în beneficiul copilului

Current practices on data review and data use to inform supportive supervision in child protection in Moldova

Pilot Test of Alternative Childcare Indicators in Moldova (also available in Romanian)

Moldova Longitudinal Case Management Information System for Child Protection: Three-Year Implementation Roadmap

Harnessing the Power of Data for the Benefit of the Child

Assessing Alternative Care for Children in Moldova: Assessment Report (Volume 1) (also available in Romanian)

Assessing Alternative Care for Children in Moldova: Appendixes (Volume 2) (also available in Romanian)


Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Strengthening Plan: Rwanda

Landscape Assessment of Child Protection Digital Information Systems in Rwanda: May – June 2021

Child Protection and Care Reform in Rwanda: Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Report


A Guide for Conducting Alternative Care Data Review Meetings in Uganda

Strengthening Collection, Management, and Use of Quality Routine Data for Alternative Care in Uganda

Assessing Alternative Care for Children in Uganda