Data for Impact at HSR2020

Data for Impact at HSR2020

The Sixth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2020) will bring together policy-makers, practitioners and researchers from more than 100 countries in a global virtual symposium.

Phase I of the conference will take place November 8 to 12, 2020, and will include live and on-demand sessions. Data for Impact will share the following presentations and posters. Learn more by viewing the conference program or downloading the conference app.

Using Routine Health Information System Data for Research and Decision-Making: Examples from Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Monday, November 9, 7:45 to 9:45pm GST
Satellite session led by David Hotchkiss, PhD

Resilience of Routine Health Services during a Protracted Ebola Outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Poster by Janna Wisniewski, PhD; Matt Worges, MS; David Hotchkiss, PhD; Paul-Samson Lusamba-Dikassa, MD, PhD

Assessing the Income Sources of Frontline Health Workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Implications for the Health Workforce and the People They Serve
Poster by David Hotchkiss, PhD; Janna Wisniewski, PhD; Lauren Blum, PhD; Paul-Samson Lusamba-Dikassa, MD, PhD