The Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP) aims to help countries lower rates of stillbirths and newborn deaths by 2030. Validated indicators for optimum newborn care need to be tested for feasibility for integration into health management information systems (HMIS) in low-resource countries. Data for Impact (D4I), in collaboration with the London School for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, will conduct a feasibility study in Tanzania—the study being one step toward promoting broader uptake of these indicators.
D4I will work with Ifakara Health Institute—from planning and stakeholder engagement, operationalization, assessment, and dissemination of findings. Interviews with service providers, managers, and policymakers will assess perceptions of the usefulness of ENAP indicators; a health facility assessment will include district and subdistrict hospitals and community facilities equipped for births. Several priority ENAP indicators will be chosen for feasibility testing and integration in the HMIS at study facilities to support improved data collection on care and outcomes that can inform future interventions and policies.
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