Health Systems
Welcome to the technical area on health systems within MEASURE Evaluation’s Family Planning/Reproductive Health Indicators Database.
A health system is described as all the organizations, institutions, resources, and people whose primary purpose is to improve health (World Health Organization, 2010). Increasing evidence demonstrates that health systems are capable of delivering services equitably, efficiently, and in a coordinated manner.
The health systems indicators in this database reflect the way reproductive healthcare is organized, managed, and delivered. The use of these standardized indicators will allow comparisons within and between countries, regions, sectors, and programs—and can be used to track changes over time.
Indicators for results-based financing can also be found. In addition, this database includes the following reproductive health areas that are priorities for the United States Agency for International Development: family planning (FP) workforce; supply chains; and the Total Market Approach to FP.
The indicators include the following technical areas:
- Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
- Family Planning Workforce
- Health System Strengthening
- Policy Environment
- Private Sector
- Program Management in Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
- Quality of Care in Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
- Supply Chain
- Total Market Approach
- Training in Service Delivery