Adolescents are/were involved in the design of materials and activities and in the implementation of the program Adolescents are/were involved in the design of materials and activities and in the implementation of the program Definition: This qualitative (yes/no) indicator measures adolescent participation in a program. The evaluator assigns a “yes” score if adolescents participated in the program in a meaningful way. This is assessed by determining if the participation included: program design (did adolescents from the intended audience participate in designing the program by communicating their needs and preferences) and program implementation (did the adolescents help implement the program). Data Requirement(s): Program documents or other evidence that (1) the program designers assessed the needs of the program‘s intended audience through a participatory process entailing significant input from youth in the program‘s intended audience, (2) the findings from the assessment helped shape program design and strategy development, and (3) youth play key roles in program management or in the delivery of services. Evaluators may want to disaggregate by the following age ranges: 10-14, 15-19, and 20-24. Data Source(s): Program records; interviews with program staff; interviews with adolescents participating in the assessment and program design; interviews with youth involved in program implementation Purpose: Most adolescent reproductive health experts concur that youth participation in program design and implementation targeted toward addressing the needs of adolescents, enhances program appeal and effectiveness. This indicator provides a qualitative measure of the extent of meaningful participation by youth in the program‘s design and implementation. Youth have “meaningful participation“ if they play a major role in carrying out the assessment, in deriving conclusions from the assessment data gathered, in designing the program, and in managing and carrying out program activities. Issue(s): Although there is stated criteria for determining adolescent involvement in program design and implementation, determining “meaningful involvement” is still somewhat subjective and needs to be further defined by the evaluator. Keywords: empowerment, management, adolescent Filed under: adolescent, empowerment, Family Planning, FP, FP/RH, Indicators, LAPM, management, Reproductive Health, RH, youth