Percent of previously program-supported supply chain functions currently conducted by national authorities without external assistance

Percent of previously program-supported supply chain functions currently conducted by national authorities without external assistancePercent of previously program-supported supply chain functions currently conducted by national authorities without external assistance Definition: …

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Existence of national laws, regulations, or policies that limit access to effective family planning services for unmarried and/or young people

Existence of national laws, regulations, or policies that limit access to effective family planning services for unmarried and/or young peopleExistence of national laws, regulations, or policies that limit access to …

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Evidence of targeted public and private sector officials, FBOs, or community leaders publicly demonstrating new or increased commitment to FP

Evidence of targeted public and private sector officials, FBOs, or community leaders publicly demonstrating new or increased commitment to FPEvidence of targeted public and private sector officials, FBOs, or community …

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