Percent of audience who perceive risk in a given behavior Percent of audience who perceive risk in a given behavior Percent of audience who perceive risk in a given behavior Definition: “Risk perception” is defined as one’s beliefs about the likelihood of … Read More “Percent of audience who perceive risk in a given behavior”
Organization has a systematic process for follow-up and support of trainees after the training event Organization has a systematic process for follow-up and support of trainees after the training event Organization has a systematic process for follow-up and support of trainees after the training event … Read More “Organization has a systematic process for follow-up and support of trainees after the training event”
Percent of women who have weekly exposure to mass media Percent of women who have weekly exposure to mass media Percent of women who have weekly exposure to mass media Definition: This indicator measures the total number of women aged … Read More “Percent of women who have weekly exposure to mass media”
Existence of designated mechanisms charged with analysis of RH statistics Existence of designated mechanisms charged with analysis of RH statistics Existence of designated mechanisms charged with analysis of RH statistics Definition: There is a designated and functioning institutional mechanism charged … Read More “Existence of designated mechanisms charged with analysis of RH statistics”
Evidence that systems exist for monitoring the progress made in implementing family planning/reproductive health policies Evidence that systems exist for monitoring the progress made in implementing family planning/reproductive health policies Evidence that systems exist for monitoring the progress made in implementing family planning/reproductive health policies … Read More “Evidence that systems exist for monitoring the progress made in implementing family planning/reproductive health policies”
Percent of countries conducting annual forecasts Percent of countries conducting annual forecasts Percent of countries conducting annual forecasts Definition: The percent of program-supported countries that conduct forecast reviews on an annual basis. This indicator is intended … Read More “Percent of countries conducting annual forecasts”
Number/percent of circumcised males experiencing at least one moderate or severe adverse event during or following surgery, during the reporting period Number/percent of circumcised males experiencing at least one moderate or severe adverse event during or following surgery, during the reporting period Number/percent of circumcised males experiencing at least one moderate … Read More “Number/percent of circumcised males experiencing at least one moderate or severe adverse event during or following surgery, during the reporting period”
Number of vasectomies performed Number of vasectomies performed Number of vasectomies performed Definition: The number of male sterilizations, i.e., “vasectomies,” that have been performed within a given time frame. Data should be collected continuously … Read More “Number of vasectomies performed”
Number of communities with established referral systems between the community and primary, secondary, and tertiary resources for reproductive health services Number of communities with established referral systems between the community and primary, secondary, and tertiary resources for reproductive health services Number of communities with established referral systems between the community … Read More “Number of communities with established referral systems between the community and primary, secondary, and tertiary resources for reproductive health services”
Number/percent of organization/program units systematically using information to plan and monitor performance Number/percent of organization/program units systematically using information to plan and monitor performance Number/percent of organization/program units systematically using information to plan and monitor performance Definition: The capacity of managers to … Read More “Number/percent of organization/program units systematically using information to plan and monitor performance”