Nigeria Health, Population, and Nutrition Multi-Activity Evaluation: Baseline Health Facility Assessment Methodology Note

Nigeria Health, Population, and Nutrition Multi-Activity Evaluation: Baseline Health Facility Assessment Methodology Note
Abstract: Data for Impact (D4I) is conducting a prospective mixed methods portfolio-level outcome evaluation of four USAID/Nigeria Health, Population, and Nutrition (HPN) activities to provide evidence for health programming, with a focus on comparing an integrated health programming approach with a disease-focused approach (malaria).

D4I conducted a health facility assessment (HFA) as part of the evaluation to gather information on health facilities’ service availability and readiness to provide services both generally and specifically for malaria, family planning, and antenatal care service domains. Health facility service availability and readiness are assessed using specific services such as diagnosis and treatment of malaria, and general support services such as stockout rates and health information system reporting practices. The purpose of this methodology note is to describe the methods used in conducting and analyzing the baseline HFA.

Additional information for the baseline HFA, including a results brief, full results tables, the indicator matrix, and D4I’s Zamfara HFA data collection instrument are available
Shortname: FS-23-614a D4I
Author(s): Data for Impact
Year: 2023
Language: English
Region(s): NIGERIA