


Preparing Future Social Workers for Data-Driven Practice: A Panel Discussion with Universities in Moldova and the USA

Family planning needs across the life cycle in Bangladesh: Synthesis of recent evidence and a proposed new approach

Behavioral Interventions for the Use of Evaluation Findings

Data for Impact’s Digital Skills Assessment: A guide to build digital skills in the child protection workforce

RECAP: A tool to assess and grow local capacity for rigorous research and evaluation of health programs

Every Newborn-Measurement Improvement for Newborn & Stillbirth Indicators (EN-MINI) Tools for Routine Health Information Systems

D4I Series: Health equity in global health monitoring, evaluation, and learning

Equitable Approaches and Tools in Knowledge Management

Validation of a Reproductive Empowerment Scale Using Longitudinal Data

Promoting Health Equity in the Armenia D4I Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) Activity

Recent health equity-focused work under The Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Program

D4I Series: Integration in global health monitoring, evaluation, and learning

Evaluating integrated health programs: An example from Nigeria

Integration of Machine Learning HIV Risk Scoring Model into KenyaEMR

Disease surveillance using a One Health approach in Burkina Faso: Successes and opportunities of a multisectoral collaboration

Data integration under The Demographic and Health Survey Program

Development of a tool to assess the gender competency of family planning providers

D4I Series: Lessons learned in using routine and other existing data for evaluation

Using routine information to conduct facility-level efficiency analysis

Lessons learned for drawing on multiple secondary data sources in evaluation

Managing missing values in routinely reported data: One approach from the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Use of routine data for economic evaluations

D4I Series: Lessons learned in using complexity-aware methods in evaluation

Lessons learned in using organizational network analysis for planning and evaluation of global health programs

Lessons learned in using the ripple effects mapping (REM) method for evaluation

Lessons learned in using most significant change for evaluation

Lessons learned in using process tracing for evaluation

Other Webinars

Case management information systems for child protection and care: Data for Impact presents the CMIS assessment, planning and governance toolkits

Advancing research and evaluation partner capacity: Demonstrating a facilitated rapid self-assessment for actionable institutional strengthening (GHTechX 2021)

Routine data use in evaluation: practical guidance

Au-delà des évaluations: expériences de renforcement de capacités des institutions en Afrique de l’Ouest

Beyond assessments: Capacity strengthening experiences of local partners

Lessons and approaches to support the capacity-strengthening priorities of local partners