Resources: Strengthen Local Capacity

Tools and Resources to Support Local Capacity Strengthening (2023, English)
Data for Impact’s Approach to Individual and Institutional Capacity Strengthening (2023, English)
Strengthening Capacity in Nigeria: A Case Study (2023, English)
Strengthening Evaluation Capacity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2023, English)
Strengthening Local Research Capacity through Small Grants (2023, English)
Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Strengthening Plan: Rwanda (2022, English)
Pilot experiences: Using RECAP to build capacity for research and evaluation of health programs (2022, English)
Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Resource Package: Institutional Strengthening Resources (2022, English)
Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Package (RECAP): Facilitator Presentation (2022, English)
Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Resource Package: Assessment Workbook (2022, English)
Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Resource Package: Tool Summary (2022, English)
Brief: Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Resource Package (RECAP) (2022, English)
Frequently Asked Questions: The Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Resource Package (RECAP) (2022, English)
Research and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Tool and Resource Package: User Guide (2022, English)
Evaluation of Health Programs: A Postgraduate Overview Course Module 6 Syllabus: Evaluating Results (2019, English)
Evaluation of Health Programs: A Postgraduate Overview Course Postgraduate Evaluation Curriculum (2019, English)
Framework and Toolkit to Strengthen Evaluation Capacity (2019, English)
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MOLSA) Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Strengthening Action Plan (2023, English)
Child Protection and Care Reform in Rwanda: Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Report (2022, English)
Strengthening the Performance of Kenyas Health Information System: Improvements in Data Quality and Use at the County Level (2019, English)
Assessing the Capacity of Monitoring and Evaluation and Health Information Systems: Guidance (2019, English)