Lessons learned in using the ripple effects mapping (REM) method for evaluation

Data for Impact (D4I) hosted the third webinar in a series sharing lessons learned in applying complexity-aware methods in evaluation. Today, evaluations require methods that are flexible; allow for the complexity of current public health programming in low-resource settings; and address field challenges such as strict budget and time constraints, limited baseline data, and lack of access to comparison groups. Under these circumstances, the Ripple Effects Mapping (REM) method is a useful tool for evaluators.

REM is a participatory evaluation tool that engages program participants and other community stakeholders in a group setting to retrospectively reflect upon and visually map changes produced by an intervention. The method uses features of mind mapping, appreciative inquiry, and qualitative data analysis. In this webinar, presenters shared how this method was adapted for public health evaluations in Tanzania and Botswana and reviewed lessons learned from its implementation.

The one-hour webinar was led by Jessica Fehringer, PhD, D4I; Abby Cannon, MPH, MSW, MEASURE Evaluation; Mahua Mandal, PhD, MEASURE Evaluation; and Lisa Parker, PhD, MEASURE Evaluation.

Watch | Slides | Download REM example video

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