Using routine information to conduct facility-level efficiency analysis

Using routine information to conduct facility-level efficiency analysis

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Data for Impact hosted a webinar on using routine information to conduct facility-level efficiency analysis in March 2021. This was the next webinar in a series sharing lessons learned and practical suggestions on using routine and other existing data for evaluation and research. The webinar was led by Palladium’s Scott Moreland, Senior Technical Director; Lauren Morris, Technical Advisor; Jacob Odhiambo, Kenya HMIS II Project; and Kennedy Muthoka, Kenya HMIS II Project.

The presenters conducted a data envelope analysis (DEA) of a sample of PEPFAR facilities in Kenya. DEA provides facility-level indicators on efficiency that can help program managers understand which facilities are more efficient or less efficient and assist in resource allocation decisions. The analysis focused on testing data and used routine data for 141 facilities in Siaya county. The data were stratified by various facility characteristics. The exercise, conducted in collaboration with Palladium’s Kenya Health Management Information Systems II project, demonstrates how routine health information can be quickly and cheaply used to conduct facility-level efficiency analysis.

Watch the webinar recording.